Thursday 10 February 2011

Group: Location Reccie

We went to Wilderness Woods for the day on the 8th of February 2011. We went to practise some different types of shots with the video cameras. Firstly, we walked around and found some interesting locations to shoot, taking some photos as we went. Then we filmed some different types of shot in the locations we thought were best for them.

The better shots that we did were the high and low angle shots because the climbing frame was a great location to get the camera where it was needed below and above the subject. The tracking shots also went well, especially when we kept the camera in the same place and made it follow the subject running.
The first tracking shot we attempted didn't go so well because it was hard to aim the camera whilst moving, and sometimes people in our group weren't sure of wht to do whilst filming so did some things wrong occasionally.

This is the map of Wilderness Woods that we used to get around and find our way on the trip.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Group Post Mood Board

CR- Technical Analysis 'Next' (Tamahori, 2007)

Camera Technique
Duration (seconds)
  • n/a

  • Mid Shot

  • Close up

  • Close ups/ ECU

  • Mid Shot

  • Close up

  • Close up

  • Close up

  • Close up

  • Mid Shot

  • Mid Shot

  • Close up

  • 28

  • 4

  • 10

  • 35

  • 5

  • 8

  • 5

  • 3

  • 2

  • 1-2

  • 4

  • 9

  • Titles and frequent blurs of colour

  • Out of focus silhouette

  • Clock

  • Montage of woman protagonist

  • Male protagonist at restaurant bar

  • Watch

  • Males reaction

  • Restaurant clock

  • Males Reaction

  • Restaurant door

  • Males reaction

  • Males expression.

Friday 4 February 2011

S.T- Technical Analysis of 'Jaws' Opening

Link to the video can be found on my 'Opening Analysis Research' blog post.

Camera Technique 1: Titles
Duration: 29 seconds
Mis-en-scene: No image, just titles.
Music: Creepy, suspenseful.

Camera Technique 2: Point Of View shot
Duration: 28 seconds
Mis-en-scene: Underwater, coral-like plants visible as camera travels through them.
Music: The same suspenseful music, but it accelerates a bit and gains more instruments and power.

Camera Technique 3: Slow panning shot
Duration: 45 seconds
Mis-en-scene: Nighttime on a beach, the only light is coming from a campfire, many teenagers sitting around it smoking, drinking, and taking drugs.
Music: Diegetic, coming from a guitar and harmonica.

Camera technique 4: Medium shot
Duration: 3 seconds
Mis-en-scene: Girl is seen sitting in front of beach fencing, she looks and smiles at one of the boys. Smoke in front of her seems to be coming from either the fire or a barbeque.
Music: Guitar and harmonica

Camera Technique 5: Medium shot
Duration: 5 seconds
Mis-en scene: Boy looks back and smiles, then takes a swig of his drink. People behind him are blurred whilst he is in focus.

Camera Technique 6: Medium shot
Duration: 2 seconds
Mis-en-scene: Girl keeps smiling, then turns her head to look at something.

Camera Technique 7: Establishing shot
Duration: 16 seconds
Mis-en-Scene: we can see the whole group of teens now, and the sea a few metres from them. The boy walks over to the girl, who then gets up and runs up the sand bank. She is wearing a hoodie jumper and jeans. The boy is wearing beige jeans and a long-sleeved shirt.

Camera Technique 8: Long Shot
Duration: 9 seconds
Mis-en-scene: The boy and girl are away from the group now, so there is little light from thebackgrond sky, so both characters are in silhouette. They run along some of the beach behind the fence, and the boy stumbles over.
Sound: Guitar and harmonica are more in the background, boy and girl's voices are amplified, and the sea can be heard.

Camera Technique 9: Medium-Long tracking shot
Duration: 5 seconds
Mis-en-scene: Only the girl is visible running now, taking her hoodie off. She is still in silhouette.
Sound: The boy's voice can be heard calling after her, which sounds a bit slurred.

Camera Technique 10: Medium Tracking shot
Duration: 3 seconds
Mis-En-scene: Boy has gotten up again and is running, in a sort of drunken way. You can just about see his facial features.
Sound: Heavy breathing from running has been slightly amplified.

Camera Technique 11: Medium-Long tracking shot
Duration: 3 seconds
Mis-en-scene: The girl is still running, taking her shoes and socks off as she goes.
Sound: Boy is still shouting, and the girl giggles a bit, which is amplified slightly.

Camera Technique 12: Medium-Long tracking shot
Duration: 3 seconds
Mis-en-scene: Back to the boy running, who starts to take his top off.
Sound: His shouting is muffled as he pulls his shirt over his head.

Camera Technique 13: Medium-Long tracking shot
Duration: 5 seconds
Mis-en-scene: Girl is still running, and now takes her shirt off. The camera slows down a bit to see her back.

Camera Technique 14: Long Shot
Duration: 4 seconds
Mis-en-scene: we see the boy run over the edge of a high sand bank as he is taking his shirt off, tumbling down it. The rising or setting sun is in the background, putting the boy in silhouette again.
Sound: The boy yelps a bit as he falls, and there is a thud as he hits the beach.

Camera Technique 15: Long Shot to Extreme long shot
Duration: 7 seconds
Mis-en-scene: The girl runs into the water and dives in, then starts swimming out to sea.
Sound: The splashing of water as she dives into the sea, and the water rippling as she swims through it.

Camera Technique 16: Long Shot
Duration: 7 seconds
Mis-en-scene: We see the boy again back on the beach, standing up. He trys to take his shoes off. He is still in silhouette because of the sun behind him.
Sound: The boy seems to talk to the audience when he says 'I can swim, I just can't walk, or dress myself'.

Camera Technique 17: Extreme Long shot
Duration: 11 seconds
Mis-en-scene: Only the ocean is visible, with a bouy in the background and the girl swimming along.
Sound: The chiming of a buoy on the water and the swashing of the water.

Camera Technique 18: Medium shot
Duration: 9 seconds
Mis-en-scene: The girl appears from underwater, in silhouette because of the sun. There are no other things visible in the water.
Sound: The girl shouts to the boy.

Camera Technique 19: Long Shot
Duration: 3 seconds
Mis-en-scene: the boy on the beach again, still trying to get his shoes off, but then he collapses to the floor.

Camera Technique 20: Worm's-eye view
Duration: 14 seconds
Mis-en-scene: we see the girl swimming from a fair distance directly beneath her in the water. She is in silhouette still though.
Sound: Mysterious music starts to play, non-diegetic.

Camera Technique 21: Extreme Long shot
Duration: 6 seconds
Mis-en-scene: Camera is above water again, with the girl, the buoy, and the ocean only seen again.
Sound: The mysterious music continues.

Camera Technique 22: Medium shot
Duration: 2 seconds
Mis-en-scene: The girl splashes around a bit in the water, and seems to be enjoying herself.

Camera Technique 23: Worm's-eye view
Duration: 9 seconds
Mis-en-scene: The camera sees the girl directly beneath her again, but this time is much closer and gradually gets closer.
Sound: The music changes, from mysterious to creepy, and the tempo starts to increase.

Camera Technique 24: Medium shot
Duration: 2.5 seconds
Mis-en-scene: The girl suddenly jerks downwards, her breathing increases, and she gets a bit confused and shocked very quickly.
Sound: The music jerks aswell, changing to a long note on a stringed instrument.

Camera Technique 25: Close-up
Duration: 5 seconds
Mis-en-scene: The girl jerks downwards again, and this time stays underwater for over a second. Then she reappears and moves out of the shot.
Sound: The music turns eratic when she reappears, and the girl starts shouting in pain.

Camera technique 26: Medium Shot
Duration: 3 seconds
Mis-en-scene: The girls seems to be being pushed through the water by something.
Sound: The music is building pace again, and the girl screams sharply.

Camera Technique 27: Close-up
Duration: 7 seconds
Mis-en-scene: The girl gets thrashed about by the thing in the water very wildly, her limbs and head unable to control themselves.
Sound: She still tries to scream, and the music changes note whenever she is thrown a different direction.

Camera Technique 28: Long Shot
Duration: 2 seconds
Mis-en-scene: We see the boy still lying on the beach, unable to move because he is too drunk. He does hear her though, when you can just about hear him say 'I'm coming, I'm coming....'

Camera Technique 29: Close-up to Medium shot
Duration: 6 seconds
Mis-en-scene: The girl is still being thrashed about in the water, but more wildly than before.
Sound: The girl still tries to scream, and manages to say a couple of words.

Camera Technique 30: Medium shot
Duration: 5 seconds
Mis-en-scene: The girl is pushed along in the water again, into the buoy seen earlier. She grabs hold of it as the thing attacking her pauses.
Sound: The music slows down for a brief moment.

Camera Technique 31: Medium-Long shot to Close-up
Duration: 14 seconds
Mis-en-scene: The girl is dragged away from the buoy all of a sudden towards the camera, where the thing thrashes her about a bit more before dragging her underwater for good.
Sound: The music suddenly starts again as the girl is dragged towards the camera, continuing until she is pulled under, where the music suddenly stops altogether. The girl tries to call out for help, but she cannot speak properly from her ordeal.

Camera Technique 32: Long shot
Duration: 8 seconds
Mis-en-scene: We see the boy on the beach yet again, still lying down and unable to do anything. He seems to be unconcious. He is still in silhouette from tehh sun aswell.

Camera Technique 33: Extreme-long shot
Duration: 7 seconds
Mis-en-scene: We see the sea again, with just the bouy visible on it now, bobbing up and down.
Sound: Only the water swashing and the buoy ringing about can be heard now.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Group Discussion on Concept Development

Entire Film Treatment
Male protagonist, leads a normal everyday life until he is taken by a secretive organisation in the 'Negative Zone' who don't seem to be who they say they are. The protagonist starts to investigate conspicuously, they find out that their predicament was predetermined and his 'rescue' was planned weeks in advance. After confronting the head honcho the protagonist finds out that there were many others like him who the organisation exploited to carry out their plan to fully enter the 'Positive Zone' and take it over. the protagonist then escapes and seeks out help in order to stop the organisation and their mis-led confidents.

Characters in the opening sequence
-Male protagonist
-Two stalkers, later possible animation
-Small group of friends 3 to 4 people

Plot Outline of the Opening sequence
Protagonist is shown talking to friends in a group, then walking away from them. When on his own, a fading flash of negative happens behind him. He turns around, but flash has finished, so walks on. He walks a bit further, and the flash happens again behind him. He turns around for longer, a bit more suspicious, then the flash happens in front of him with a person inside the light. The person says something, which stuns the man, who runs off. After he stops running, he wonders what it was, then the light appears again in front of him, but this time it stays. The character in the light speaks to the man, and the opening ends.

If we have music, it will have to be suspensful but quite quiet, with part of it suddenly intensifying. We will have a bit of dialogue, so actors will need to speak clearly. We will have a sound effect for when the light flashes on and off.