Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Group - Navigation Page
Final Piece
Evaluation Posts
Christian Rennie
Evaluation questions 1,2,3,6
Samuel Truscott
Evaluation questions 1,2,3,6
Group Posts
Evaluation questions 4/5,7
Sunday, 8 May 2011
CR-Evaluation 1
CR-Evaluation Question 3

The internet has helped distribute our type of film because the majority of the world's population has access to this phenomenom, if we were to distribute or screen our film by the internet we would be advertising/screening to the majority of the world, this would greatly improve the number of viewings and thus a greater revenue.
CR-Evaluation Question 6
Whilst planning our film opening we worked collaboratively by posting ideas on our blog sometimes this would include embedding videos from Web 2.0 softwares such as Youtube.com. We would then comment on each others posts ultimately deciding whether to put it in our film opening. To begin with were asked to do some presentations on which we had to broadcast our ideas and audience research results, for this we used Microsoft Powerpoint and Prezi.
When filming our media piece we used an HD digital camera with an inbuilt microphone, to make a shots steady we used a tripod which allowed us to shoot from various angles and distances with ease however we had to keep to 180 degree rule so that the audeince didn't get lost when watching our piece. We used natural lighting because we were filming outside, and it gave an authentic feel to our opening. To record our radio broadcast we used an MP3 player which allowed us to link this with our film. Whilst filming a characters we had to keep in mind the rule of thirds which is that the audiences attention is drawn to the outer thirds of the screen. We also had to film it so that each character was easily recognisable without going over the top with close-ups.

Some problems we faced was that the sun would cause a flare ruining the picture, or that in very shady areas the shot would be too dark, we overcame this by shooting from other angles and distances using the tripod. We also tried filming quite late in the afternoon with the skate boarder sequence and we found that we were unable to get a variety of shots because it became dark very quickly.
Post Production
During post production we used a software called Adobe Premiere Elements 8, with this program we were able to cut our piece, add titles and various other actions. With our titles we used zoom, movement and fade resulting in a professional looking title. Throughout the sequence we were able to use visual effects such as flashes of white and metal finish which complemented our narrative very well. With this software we were able to integrate a soundtrack, however because we filmed outside there was a lot of unwanted wind blowing which compromised our conversation between our characters.

We exported our piece onto our PC and an external hard drive from which we uploaded the video to Youtube, from which we embedded the clip onto our blog. This allowed us to present our film opening on our blog whilst allowing members of the general public to view our piece and rate their comments accordingly.
Similarities with the Industrial Industry
Overall I think that our production process mimics that of real film productions, however there are some major differences; such as our lack of time with the planning stage real film producers have several months to plan their films whereas we had a few, as well as this our ultra low budget which then prohibited the extent to which we could use technology to produce our film opening such as the camera with an in built microphone professional would use sound booms to record sound separatly, using this they are able to overcome problems that we faced such as the wind blowing producing interference with our conversations very easily. They would also use a far more advanced computer programme that allowed them to develop a larger variety of special and sound effects making their films ultimately better quality than ours.
S.T- Evaluation
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
The one female character that appears in the opening is shown to be vulnerable when she is taken by the antagonist without even showing a sign of what is going on. This could also perceive her as quite slow-minded, however she is only 10 years old so she would not be expected to fight back very much anyway. She is wearing a large, warm coat and primary school clothes, which is a typical thing for a young girl like her to wear on a cold weekday morning.

Another social group represented in our opening is amateur skateboarders. It is evident that they are amateurs because of the small, portable ramps and grind bar that they are using, instead of being in a large skate park. The older one can be seen as being arrogant and stupid for notwearing a protective helmet or elbow pads, and is punished by being taken by the light, whereas the younger one can be seen as rule-abiding by wearing the protective gear, and as a result is allowed to stay and skate on.

The other social group represented in our opening is the three male older teens. They are wearing thin casual shirts, jeans, and two of them are wearing coats that are seen by most of the teenage community as usual wear. The one who walks on his own could either be seen as brave or foolhardy at first, however when the antagonist appears in front of him he is seen as fearful when he runs away instead of staying and fighting. On the other hand, the victim could be seen as brave because someone of his stature usually would not be depicted as running for that long or that fast away from the danger.

All of the characters in our film are of white ethnicity, and all English too. This shows that our sequence wasn't filmed near a big, urban setting such as London, which means that there was less of an ethnic diversity of people to use as actors.
The genders of the characters are very traditional for thriller/horror films due to there being a male antagonist, a female victim, and the male characters are the expected age for these kind of films. This means that there is a dominant ideological discourse in terms of the representations of gender.
Evaluation part 3:
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Thriller films are distributed to both mainstream and specialised cinemas, however because our film is also in the Sci-Fi genre, it would probably not be suitable for specialised cinemas because specialised cinemas have an audience that is usually aged from 30-60 years old, whereas our film is aimed at 15-34 year olds. This means our film will have to be distributed to mainstream cinemas or put straight to DVD and TV. A sci-fi film that had a similar predicament was ‘Monsters’ (2010), a low-budget film where all the CGI was done in the director’s front room. The film was released into mainstream cinemas despite having a budget of under £15,000 because specialised cinemas didn’t have the right audience.
Audience research: http://twgsbmedia11asgroup1.blogspot.com/2011/03/methodology-and-results-evaluation.html

A TV channel that shows a lot of films like ours is Syfy channel. The films they show never appeared in mainstream or specialised cinemas, so this channel shows some of those films that only went to DVD. The film ‘Fireball’ (Tabori, 2009) was actually shown on this channel before it went to DVD, so letting this channel show our film could help to advertise DVD sales if it were to go that distribution path.

Evaluation part 6:
Thursday, 5 May 2011
CR-Risk Assessment
Location | What is the hazard? Think about road safety, filming at night, potential damage to equipment | Who/what might be harmed and why? Think about who needs to be aware of the risk | How will you reduce the risk? What steps will you take to ensure that the risk is lowered? | Signed Approved by JF, CF, KJ |
Keyes Gardens | Multiple Trip hazards | Cast and Cameraman | Watch our step, walk carefully, running is minimum | |
| Lamppost’s | Cast | Careful running, Watch where we’re going | |
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CR- Call Sheet
Location | Shot number (on storyboard) | Cast | Technical notes |
Keyes Gardens | | Samuel, Brad, Alex and Christian | |
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Friday, 8 April 2011
Thursday, 7 April 2011
CR- Project Update
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
CR- Shoot feedback
Fortunately our desired location had been changed and was available for us to shoot, with an earlier start we were able to film a lot more than we would have been able to if we had started at a later time, this didn't interfere with our lighting requirements because where we located there was a large hedge which helped us shoot in darker lighting.
All our actors were available for the shoot which was really helpful considering it was our final chance to shoot our film opening so all shots were repeated until they were perfect and many from different angles and positions. The majority of the shoot was based upon the in class group discussions and the meeting that the group had the night before, this enabled us to get on with the shoot without problem and discussion, thus helping us shoot everything from extra angles so that we have a variety of shots to choose from.
Monday, 4 April 2011
CR- Audience Feedback
However some negative feedback from which we have based future shots upon include: the lack of editing, lack of sound, a very short and plain storyline, a very slow cutting rate that did not create enough tension. The audience also suggested that we should use black and white effects, and use silence. Some shots were suggested such as high and low angled shots.
Thursday, 31 March 2011
S.T- Random ideas
- One would be a skateboarder, because we could do an interesting shot with the skateboard.
- We also thought of a minor car incident with a lamppost or fence could be cool.
- Another one we thought about was a young child being taken too, because the audience would feel sympathetic towards a really innocent person being taken for not a clear reason.
- Maybe we could have a dissappearing cat too? y'never know....
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
S.T- Weekend shoot feedback
Monday, 28 March 2011
Progress Update
Friday, 25 March 2011
CR- Update post
- We need to upload pictures onto our costume and props post.
- We need to finish shooting this weekend as the deadline draws near and effects need doing
- We need to comment more on posts
- We need to try and test different editing techniques