Wednesday 9 March 2011

CR-Methodology and Results evaluation

Our research method involved us creating a presentation highlighting the key ideas we planned to use in our opening sequence, we then sent this via e-mail to ten teenagers the majority of which were male. The purpose of our research was to gather general feedback from members of the target audience over what we plan to do. The recipitants then sent their results back to us where we converted results into graphs and generalised comments.

We used a variety of different question structures including open questions, closed questions, scaled questions and ranked questions so that we could acheive a greater variety of data.

However the method of our research is flawed in a number of ways with us not able to explain our ideas properly, and the inability to check the honesty or sincerity of  our sample. With the majority of the sample being teenage boys the results may be gender bias as well as age bias.

 This graph shows the samples ideal setting for the film opening
 This graph shows the samples decision over what music should be used in the film opening

This graph shows the samples ideal perception of       the protagonist in a thriller film.                  

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