Monday 21 March 2011

S.T- Feedback on latest shoot

1: We shot in Keyes Gardens, South Tonbridge, on friday 18th march and saturday 19th march 2011. The location was right next to my house, so I didn't need to go far. Brad was the only other person who came, and he travelled by foot.

2: We managed to shoot the whole opening with just Brad acting, and we also shot a lot more than what is on our storyboard, which was a good thing. We filmed some good high and low angle shots, and the walking shots went well too.

3: The storyboard was rather important, lathough we did deviate from it alot to add more interesting shots in. We did keep to the basic storyline of the storyboard though.

4: Hopefully, we will be able to shoot the full opening the next weekend coming up with all the actors needed.

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