Tuesday 18 January 2011

CR-Genre analysis questions 1- Dog Soldiers

-The film's genre is horror with some suggestion of mystery.

-There is little complicated camera usage with most of the shots being aimed at eye level to show reactions. A long shot is used to establish the location as being remote, several close up's of the couple in the tent help establish some unknown horror attacking them. The camera is positioned inside the tent therefore a glimpse of the creature is impossible creating suspense in the audience.

-A lot of camera editing was used in the tent sequence when the cutting rate sharply increased over the struggle over the woman between the man and the monster, it then slows down as the woman dies giving a sense that the woman is dead and there is no point trying to save her.

-There is little sound giving the sense that the location is remote and peaceful setting it up for the shock of the murder/monster attack. The tent scene there is little screaming and horrendous noise showing that the film is not a traditional horror and it makes it more realistic for the audience heightening the horror factor.

-The costume used suggests that this is married or seeing each other couple around the late 20's to early 30's around the age when life changes. The use of props gives a sense that this is treat and not a regular thing, making the attack seem random and more scary. In the tent the man is splattered with blood suggesting that the monster has killed him or his wife by horrific inhumane methods intensifying horror.

-The titles are very simple and army/type writer format suggesting that the following events are important, something to do with the army/organisation, and is a rare occurance. with the main title at the end of the sequence just after the murder scene helps to calm down the audience to prepare them for further scares, and the opening sequence has kept the audience interested into knowing the film name.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Christian. Use the comment facility on the blog to post a suggestion rather than a simple new post. Look at your post carefully, how could you improve it?
