Thursday 20 January 2011

S.T- Genre Analysis 1 questions 'Signs'

a) This film is a Thriller film, and it's sub-genres are Sci-fi and Mystery.

-The film is set on a farm in the countryside on a clear sunny day, which helps to direct people towards a mystery theme, rather than a more horror theme which could be interpreted in the dark, gloomy house.

-The tall plants in the field give the scene suspense because it may make the audience feel that there is something hiding in there when the characters find the 'sign'.

-The costume that characters are wearing are typical of that worn by farmers, suggesting that the extraordinary happens to most ordinary of people, creating anxiety in the audience over how the protagonist is going to react

-When the man hears the girl scream, the cutting rate increases to show his panic.

-The girl's scream has been amplified so that the audience can hear, also showing a reaction shot placing the audience with the man's reaction of concern, creating suspense within the audience

-When the man and his friend run through the field, there is a tracking shot, in which the camera is moving next to the two men running to show their speed to reach the girl.

-Instead of showing 'the signs' the camera is focussed on the protagonist's reactions creating aura of suspense within the audience.

-The music at the very beggining of the opening sets the mood of the thriller genre by being quite fast-paced and mysterious, using string and wind instrument using repetitive tones similar to those made famous by Jaws creating a sense of danger. This ends in a cruscendo introducing the start of the picture.

-There is little or no non-diagetic sound focussing the audiences attention on the diegetic sounds within the scene making the sequence seem more realistic, and the suggestion of distance of the girl's cry suggesting that she is somewhere that isn't within the safety of the home.

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