Friday 21 January 2011

Time Line of Thriller Genre

2010's Action Thriller's seeming to make the majority of the box office, with no stand out directors.           (A-Team, Carnahan 2010)


2000's Psychological, Crime, Supernatural, and Action Thrillers are all popular within the box office. (Gothika, Kassovitz 2003)
1990's Action andPsychological thriller's make up the majority of films. (Jurrasic Park, Spielburg 1993)


1980's Crime, Psychological and Action thriller quite prolific in the decades releases. (A view to kill, Glen 1985)

1970's Crime, Comedy and Psychological thrillers are the most popular thriller sub-genre with Action slowly being introduced. (Jaws, Spielburg 1975)

1960's Crime, Psychological, and Comical thrillers are most poular with very few Political thrillers very little of Hitchcock's work.

1920-1950's Psychological and Crime thrillers are the most popular with Alfred Hitchcock dominating the amount of film's produced.

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